
Christmas themes maze party
Christmas themes maze party

The object of the game is to see which Siamese Twin team can wrap their present (correctly) in the smallest amount of time.


The two people of each team will need to stand side by side with one hand free and the other around the waist of their team member (as if they were one person with two hands- a left hand and a right hand). Divide your group into teams made up of two people. The Siamese Twin Gift-Wrapping Raceįor this game you’ll need to have a box, wrapping paper, scissors and tape for each team. Magic… it sticks! Be prepared that they’ll want to do it over and over again. Tell them to lay the piece of string on the ice again and have them sprinkle a pinch of salt over the string.

christmas themes maze party

Have the children take a piece of string, lay it across the ice and try to pick up the ice with the string. The table can be officially marked with a piece of tape. The object of the game is to blow the cotton ball off the opponent’s side of the table thus scoring a goal. The teams can only use their breath (no hands or arms or feet etc.) to keep the cotton ball on the table at their end. Form two teams and have the kids hold hands on either side of the table. You’ll need a cotton ball and the kitchen table. The children can take turns re-setting the pins and rolling the snowball. Use a white ball as a “snowball” to knock the snowman pins over. Secure each one to a two-liter bottle that is weighted with a very small amount of sand or water. Each kid tries to toss the marshmallows into his teammate’s mouth. Have them stand a few feet from each other. Another Christmas variation can be pin the star to the top of the tree, pin the beard on Santa, put the nose on the snowman, etc. This is a classic game, similar to pin the tail on the donkey. The thing the kids seem to love about this is that they get to wear their mittens. Out goes Y-O-U!” The children sit out the rest of that round. Put on some music and start playing hot Snowball.

christmas themes maze party

If you don’t have snow, you can freeze water in a white balloon (this will also keep the children from getting wet as the ice melts). If you have snow, make a snowball or two ahead of time and freeze them till they are very hard. Arctic Circle: Draw a circle with a compass and run to the North Pole (finish line). Greenland: Dress in boots or large shoes and a heavy jacket and continue to. Labrador: Fish out a plastic boat from a tub of water using a small pole, line and hook. Klondike: Unravel a mess of yarn and wrap up in a coil, take it with you and continue to. This can be a timed obstacle course for each child, or a relay race for two teams (depending on the amount of time you want to spend). You’ll be taking part in creating the Web’s ultimate Christmas party ideas resource that’s ALWAYS FREE for everyone to enjoy! Obstacle Race to the Pole If you’ve got any cool ideas of Christmas games to add, take a moment and submit them below. Here are some cool Christmas party activities and games that’ll help make your party an unforgettable affair!

Christmas themes maze party